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Nanoscale Analogy

Ever wonder how small is the nanoscale? Have you tried to visualize it? You've tried but it's still difficult to imagine it. Let me help you with that.

Ever seen and touch a tennis ball before? It's not big but it's not very small either, a ping pong ball is smaller than a tennis ball. What about the Earth? Have you ever truly comprehend the magnitude of the size of our planet? It's huge isn't it. It has a variety of landscapes and ecosystems, some are too extreme for us humans to live and yet there is always a form of life. Our magnificent planet Earth, our one and only home.

Now here is the deal, consider a tennis ball in comparison with planet earth. On scale, this tennis ball is the same size in relation to earth as a nanoparticle is to a tennis ball. In other words, 1 nm to a tennis ball is a tennis ball to the earth. The nanoscale is extremely small that we cannot see it with the naked eye, we would require special tools such as the scanning electron microscope to get a glimpse of it.

Although it is extremely small, plenty of wonderous things happen at the nanoscale, one can say that the nanoscale is an entire universe of its own. The cells in our body is on a nanoscale, the particles in the air is at a nanoscale, even viruses that can infect our body and cause severe damage is at a nanoscale. It's amazing how something so small and invisible can be so dangerous to us. I think it's time for the world to stop underestimating the significance of nanoscale, don't you agree?

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